
Marvo Movie

Marvo Movie

Movie wizard initiates shatter brain experiment Eeeow! – the fastest movie firm alive – at 24 or 16 f.p.s. even the mind trembles-splice up sequence 2-flix unlimited, an inside yr very head the images explode-last years models new houses and such terrific death scenes while the time and space operator attacks the brain via the optic nerve-will the operation succeed-will the white saint reach in time the staircase now alive with blood-only time will tell says the movie master-meanwhile deep inside the space museum. – Ray Durgnat.
Keen is indebted to the surrealist tradition for many of his central concerns: his passion for instability, his sense of ‘le merveilleux’, his fondness for analogies and puns, his preference for ‘lowbrow’ art over aestheticism of any kind, his dedication to collage and ‘le hasard objectif’. But this ‘continental’ facet of his work-virtually unique in this country coexists with various typically English characteristics, which betray other roots. The tacky glamour/True Beauty of his Family Star productions is at least as close to the end of Brighton Pier as it is to Hollywood B-Movies. – Tony Rayns, Afterimage no. 6, Summer ’76.


Project Cine Blatz 1: Jeff Keen’s Delirious Pop-Trash Films
Artists Jeff Keen
Year 1967
Origin UK
Duration 5 mins